Edwin Harris-Faull – 2021 Winner

As the winner of the 2021 Dawn Slade-Faull Award, Edwin’s work explores a view into the boundaries between flora and fauna, using ceramic sculpture to create organic, hybrid forms. Edwin’s work is informed by his experience of deafness and cochlear implants. It draws on his love of horticulture and his experiences in the horticultural industry, in particular as a work experience participant at the City Of Burnside Biodiversity Nursery.

Using eyes and ears as a recurring motif, the works Edwin produces explore his “interest in the connection and communication between life forms”. The scale of the pieces positions them as forms akin to real creatures which we are all familiar with both domestically and in the wild. By giving his newly evolved creatures such expressive facial features and demeanour, he encourages the viewer to be drawn into their world. (Photo & Video credit: Randi Asra Dahnial)